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WASHINGTON, DC— Responding to reports that Chinese companies are helping Iran’s nuclear and missile programs, U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today urged swift action by China.  Senator Casey released the following statement:

“Recent reports that Chinese companies are helping Iran with nuclear and missile technology are very serious and the Chinese government must take immediate action to halt this aid.  China has a responsibility to live up to its commitments to uphold United Nations sanctions barring assistance for Iran’s nuclear program.  

“In addition to the UN sanctions, the U.S and the European Union have adopted additional sanctions against Iran.  Other nations have canceled contracts with Iran and abided by sanctions.  For international sanctions to be effective there must be unanimity and a blind eye can’t be cast on violations.

“China’s credibility with the international community is on the line.  China must aggressively enforce any violations by Chinese companies to prevent aid to Iran that circumvents sanctions.”    
