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Reports Raising Alarming Concerns About Wait Times for Veterans, Disclosure of Data / Following Legionnaires’ Outbreak at Pittsburgh VA in 2012, Casey Secured IG Investigation into VA’s Infectious Disease Practices

Washington, DC- Following reports that a Veterans Administration (VA) medical facility in Phoenix Arizona was using a “secret waitlist,” U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) called on the VA to release any documents on “secret waitlists” in Pennsylvania and throughout the country. The report raises alarming concerns about how long veterans are waiting to receive care at VA facilities. Following an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in 2012, Senator Casey worked to secure an Inspector General’s investigation into the agency’s infectious disease practices.

“The allegations in these reports are disturbing. It’s incumbent upon the VA to release all documents on any secret waitlists in Pennsylvania and throughout the country,” Senator Casey said. “The VA should publish all its data on wait times and lay out steps to reduce the times veterans across the country are waiting for care.”

Senator Casey’s letter is below:

The Honorable Eric K. Shinseki
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Dear Secretary Shinseki:

It has come to my attention, through recent CNN reports as well as other news articles, that veterans are encountering extremely long wait times when trying to see physicians at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System.  These reports also indicated numerous veterans died while waiting to see physicians.  Such neglect is unacceptable and shameful.  Veterans should not be forced to wait long periods of time to see a physician.  It is even more shocking that “secret waitlists” were allegedly used to hide the actual number of veterans who were waiting for care.  

I request that you provide me with all information related to the time it takes veterans to see physicians in the VA healthcare system within Pennsylvania and throughout the country.  I also ask that you ensure that VA medical facilities in Pennsylvania and all VA medical facilities are not using “secret waitlists” or other tactics to cover up the time it takes for veterans to receive care.  Finally, I ask that you provide me with a detailed report on resources the VA may need in order to decrease wait times and improve the quality of care veterans are receiving.  We must not lose sight of the sacrifice our veterans have given and must strive to increase healthcare resources and improve care within the VA.      

We must continue to ensure the safety of all our veterans within the VA.  Thank you for your consideration of this important matter.  I look forward to your response.


Robert P. Casey, Jr.
United States Senator
