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WASHINGTON, DC-U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today introduced Evan Segal at his confirmation hearing on his nomination to become the Chief Financial Officer at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Senator Casey’s statement is below:

“Evan Segal’s reputation as an outstanding business owner and his commitment to public service make him an excellent choice to be Chief Financial Officer for the USDA.  Mr. Segal will face many critical issues at a department that are critical to Pennsylvania: the challenges that we face in this economy and the effect it is having on families who must rely on USDA nutrition programs, the strains of the federal budget and the struggles of family farmers.

“He is the former owner and president of Dormont Manufacturing Company, the nation’s leading manufacturer of flexible stainless steel gas appliance connectors. During his time at Dormont, Mr. Segal oversaw dramatic growth and job creation in the company.

“In addition to his business qualifications, Mr. Segal has a long history of service to his community through groups like the Community Day School, the Evan and Tracy Segal Family Foundation, the United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh’s Management Committee and the Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business.

“I am confident that Mr. Segal will serve with distinction and hope we can confirm him very soon.”

The committee vote on forwarding the nomination to the full Senate will occur at a later date.
